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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New blog

Hello everyone!

I've just deleted my old blog and started this one. :)

My last blog saw me training badly for my first half marathon and running it close to my 20th birthday! It has seen me move houses three times, run 3 races and document my time at the gym over the course of 2 years.

Perhaps I should introduce myself:
+I'm a social work student.
+I'm very interested in health.
+I'm a vegetarian and 5 years will be marked on Nov 11.
+I live in Canada and love how many road races are put on every month of the year :D

I hear that goal setting is a good way to stay focused and motivated. So here are some goals for this blog:
+ to meet other people that stay fit through running or have similar goals to me.
+ learn about how to get faster.
+ document my journey to my second half marathon and little races along the way.
+ a place to keep my thoughts regarding running so they don't float away.

My running goals for the future are:
March 6th - Spring Thaw 5k, Windsor
May 1st - Forest City Road Race HM, London
June 5th - Trot to the Beach Half Marathon, Blenheim

And finally, here's some running stats from DailyMile, since I joined that site (jan 25th):

196 total miles, 60% of which is running.
My other miles were done walking, cycling, swimming and using the elliptical (although I mostly don't include it since it's weird mileage).


  1. Hi Suzana,

    I love all the colors on your blog. I ran a half and really can't imagine running a whole marathon but I'll be on the sidelines cheering for you!

    Good luck

  2. You're a BLOGGGGGFACE!!!!! <3
    You motivated me to run, but it's pretty hard to run around here in Egypt.
    Hmph! Gym it is then I guess!!! :(

    Oow except there's a breast cancer run around the pyramids this saturday!! I might go... :D Yaaay. xxx I like this blog. :)

  3. Lol, no my livejournal blog is a very OLD blog. Its where I first started!! All my England Homies!!!! hehe :)

    And what do you mean where did I find your blog!! You're posting it everywhere :P hahaha. Telling everyone :P haha. xxx Silly banana. ;D
