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Thursday, May 24, 2012

I've been eating a lot of asparagus

I've turned 22 since the last time I posted. I'm in London this week because it's Calvin's birthday on Friday!
Of course, I've been conducting myself as a proper adult should:

Seatbelts, always
We've been having campfires - burning marshmallows, melting chocolate and singing crackers to make s'mores. I had an awesome dinner of grilled asparagus, onions, peppers and broccoli last night. My pee smells funny now.

We haven't wasted the sunshine - I spent yesterday's afternoon at the beach in Port Stanley and got a dollar pressed to remember it. I learned that sunblock is actually very effective and if you don't spread it properly you may end the day finding weird sun-burn patterns on your back. (Haha, sorry no pictures!)

We've also been spending time outdoors between all the TV I watch. We went geocaching a few days ago. We didn't find the two we went after... we were using the free app and it wasn't 100% accurate, and I think the ones we picked were quite old and someone might have removed them.

We really just posed as the rest of our group searched.
We did find a volleyball net in the field - it's a bit off to the right of the picture if I remember well. The future includes a trip to the store to buy a ball and a trip to that net to play a wicked game with friends.

Anyone know why asparagus makes your pee smell? I'll look it up eventually....

Monday, May 7, 2012


Hey everyone!
I'm back from Kincardine and am a little sad about it. It was the polar opposite of my Reading week there a couple months ago. Instead of being shut in the hotel room for 23.75 hours of the day like last time, studying, watching TV and wishing exams would be over, this time I was able to explore the crazy awesome trails,

get lost inside a lovely maze-garden,

read The Hunger Games at the beach

and peak into people's gardens as I walked around enjoying the sunshine :)

It was a lovely, relaxing (and cheap!) week topped off by a friendly poker night with friends on Friday, a viewing of the Hunger Games movie on Saturday, and a surprise visit on Sunday, from both a bunch of cold-inducing germs (I am constantly sneezing now and have a runny nose :( ) and a friendly couchsurfer!

Monday has brought cooler weather, a huge to-do list and a slap back to reality. I wouldn't have it any other way :)