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Friday, October 21, 2011

2 mile

I went for a 10pm run tonight. I used to do this all the time in Kuwait - I wouldn't let myself go to bed until I did a loop around the campus. It was the easiest way to keep up the running streak - sort of like brushing my teeth.

It was pretty short, just 20 mins. A little shy of 2 miles. My cool-down (which I usually skip) would have put me over 2 miles though :)

I just needed to move. I haven't been getting to the gym this week. I can feel my whole body being tense because I'm stressed about this coming Monday. My shoulders are high and my jaw is tight. I try to stop this whenever I notice it, and I'm just waiting for the last sign - the eye twitch. With that usually comes the difficulty sleeping. And then Monday will be over, my midterms will be done, and I have a little break before the next stress-attack.

So, in order to try and fix the situation (apart from shoulder massage therapy whenever Calvin is around) I will try to get a run in every day. Or at least a walk. And it has to be at least a mile. Let's see how long I can do this.

The best part of my run was that I smelt zero skunks. Guess the colder weather made them go away! 
It's rainbow-mitten weather time again. :)


  1. I looove the mittens! Avem niste sosete exact la fel, si Relu o caciula si un pullover. Le-am luat din Nepal. Aici e inca prea cald ca sa le purtam. Good luck with your midterms, I'm sure you'll do great!

  2. I love the mittens. I have a rainbow hat! We would make a great (brightly colored) pair.

    I think I'm going to join you on this. There is no reason I can't do the 1.5 mile loop around my house at least 4 days per week. I've been making excuses lately.

    Take care of yourself!

  3. Nepal is great! Very affordable, nice people, a fascinating culture and lots of outdoor activities! Oh, and let's not forget the Himalayas...

  4. It sounds like the runs really worked for you in Kuwait; just a little bit different weather/temperature-wise to do here (oy!), but you don't seem to mind the TM as much as others do so adapting them this way may work.

    I have always said that the stress I experienced as a student with an upcoming exam or with an essay deadline was unlike any other stress I have experienced (the tight shoulders and eye twitch - been there! done that!). It's the worse kind of stress. I realize that your midterms are now over, but Xmas exams/term papers are right around the corner so hang in there with your studies and PT work. Fit your short runs in when you can and only when they feel relaxing. :)
